
From City Data Model Project Collaboratory
Revision as of 21:57, 3 July 2021 by Xuanni1 (talk | contribs)
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This class has been associated with the following pattern:

Pattern:Organization Pattern

Subclass Of



An English description of the definition (what distinguishes this sense of the term?).

An Organization represents a collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it. An organization may itself be able to act as an agent.

Class Diagram Description

Figure 1 depicts the main classes and properties in the W3C Organization Ontology.

Required by Use Case(s)

(why is this specialized definition needed?)

CDM References

What other classes or properties reference this term?

Interface Specification References

This class has been associated with the following interface specification items:


Sources considered when developing the class:


Pending Approval

Has Subclass(es)


Annotation Value

Manchester Syntax Specification

Property Restriction Value
HasName exactly 1 xsd:string
Org:hasMember only Agent
Org:hasSubOrganization only Organization
Org:subOrganizationOf only Organization
Org:hasPost only Post
HasAsset only Asset
Org:hasUnit only OrganizationUnit

Supplementary Figures

Figure Caption
Figure 1: The Organization Ontology main classes and properties from